Tuesday 10 April 2012

Film Noir: Final Poster Analysis

My final poster idea was this one:

I chose it because it has the names of the actors, strong colours, an attractive outlook and also stems the story together well in one poster.
The line of the script at the top I feel could draw in viewers - both men and women could wonder what an earth she could do to pull in these men. The addressing of the audience by the use of 'you'll' means that the readers are left wondering if she'll be able to make them weak too.

I really like the way each of the characters are shadowed in their individual photographs. It means that we are left wondering what each of their pasts hold and why the mystery surrounding them is necessary.

The simplicity and barely any use of words initiates a focus on the characters and their positions to gain an idea of the story. I like this because the only important things on a poster in my opinion are the names of the actors, and a title. The inclusion from the script in my opinion just adds a little bit more of an attraction to watch the film and our 'femme fatale'.

To make it visible how my poster would look when being advertised, for example in the centre of London on a bus stop. This would be a really good place to advertise a film because thousands of people will pass it throughout the day. Another positive to having the poster be advertised in a place like this is that it's target audience will be reached fairly well. Most adults who would take the time to look at the poster would be old enough to be alone and therefore would have time to take interest in what's around them. I like the way the poster is portrait and fits well into one of these bus stop shelters, because whenever I pass one the poster on it catches my eye, and I think this could have the same effect and draw people to the film. Having it advertised in a place like this allows people to become familiar with the way the actors look, the title and the colours of the title, so that when they see any trailers for the film they can easily direct it back. Ideally this bus stop would be near or within walking distance of a cinema so that people could see the poster and immediately be able to go and see it (if it's showing) if they so wish.

I like the way the black and white poster stands out so well against the red bus here. A lot of advertising for films and popular things like clothing brands are done on London buses, mainly due to the fact that so many people will see it as it travels all over the center of the capital. This would be a good place to advertise because I always notice the film posters that are shown on here, and so hopefully others will too.

I really like my poster choice because out of all the ones I designed it fitted the era the film was set in due to the costumes, cartoon-like effect and black and white images, but also worked to attract the modern eye because of the layout and inspiration I used from other posters that have been out in recent years.

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