Tuesday 21 February 2012

Film Noir: The Script

We have finished the script! Today we did the final talk through together to make sure everything on the paper was what we wanted in the film. We're getting more excited to film each time we read it through! Here's the finished script:

(In office)
Detective John Carter: “I was told that these photographs of the towns latest criminals contained some of those we have before seen on many occasions. They were not wrong. 'Bobby' as he had been known had been in these photographs of the most wanted since he shot my father. He had also been drug dealing since I began my job back in '34. This lady was supposedly known to have a connection with him. I knew it was my job to try and find the two so that I could finally be at peace with the death of my father. Had I known what wool was to be pulled over my eyes, things could have ended very differently."

Date put on the bottom to show change of time.
(In office)
(knock at door)
Detective John Carter: Come in
Bonnie Kensington: hello, sir. (waits by door)
Detective John Carter: What may I help you with, madam?
Bonnie Kensington: well, I’ve been thinking for some time that I should perhaps tell you policemen something, but I keep changing my mind. I don’t know if I should, oh
Detective John Carter: Maam you know we’ll help you and have your best interests at heart.
Bonnie Kensington: yes I know. Okay well I came over here 5 years ago from England, and my family, well, they weren’t to well off you see. I met this man called ‘Bobby’ one day after class and he promised me he’d make things better for us. So I believed him.
Detective John Carter: Bobby? Bobby Dents?
Bonnie Kensington: oh have you heard of him?
Detective John Carter: the name is a little familiar.
Bonnie Kensington: I’m not supposed to tell anyone what he’s doing with all his business but he does bad things to me sir, and I can’t take it no more.
Detective John Carter: what business?
Bonnie Kensington: Oh I couldn’t
Detective John Carter: Look doll, you gotta tell me what you know if you want this man to have the justice he deserves.
Bonnie Kensington: Well, okay sir. I know for a fact that if I was to be perhaps taken out for dinner by you I’d be more persuaded to tip the scales in your favour. You see, I can’t just give in to you immediately. He’ll have me shot!
Detective John Carter: Is there actually a problem here? Or do you just want some appreciation?
Bonnie Kensington: Oh sir there is a problem. A big problem. But there’s something about you and I don’t want to let you get away. So take me somewhere I’ll like and we can sort this thing out.

Detective John Carter: Chester! Get in here. We’ve got a case to unravel.

Chester and Carter look through the people bobby has supposedly murdered, and Carter’s father’s photograph appears. Music comes in and shows his face as he looks at it determinedly.

(out for dinner)
Detective John Carter: (VOICEOVER) I couldn’t work out for the life of me what it was about Miss Bonnie Kensington that made me fall so fast. Knowing she had the control and was almost in charge of me made me weaker than I’d ever imagine.
(Giggles, leg rub under the table, laughing, drinking)
Fade in sound of them conversing but also the hustle of the restaurant. No focused dialogue.


Bonnie: I’ve had a wonderful time
Carter: I shall sort this thing out for you baby.
Bonnie: Oh you are so kind Detective. I wish I could repay you!Carter: No repayment needed. It’s for you and me both.
Bonnie: Thankyou.
Carter: Anything for you! (they kiss, long shot)

Carter calls chester:

Carter: Meet outside the station. We’ve got to sort this thing out now.

Scene5: Detective Carter arrives at Bobby the mob Boss’s house.

-Knock knock-
(Scarlett, one of Bobby’s comrades, comes to the door, she opens it a crack. Obviously trying to protect her boss. She is trying to make detective Carter leave. He Refuses. )
-Door opens.-
Scarlett: And who might you be?
Carter: I’ve come to speak to your boss, now move aside sweet cheeks I haven’t got all night.
Scarlett: I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about, ya know its past eleven, I could call the cops on you for making such a nuisance of yourself on my doorstep.
Carter: Good luck with the cops, now I’m here to see mister Dents, Bobby Dents. I’m sure he is here, now either you be a good girl and let me in, or things could get pretty nasty around here (opens jacket, a revolver on show)
Scarlett: Shit okay, hold on just a second mister.
(Door closes, Carter is left outside, and He sparks up a cigarette while he waits)
Scarlett: Okay sir, he will see you now
(She holds the door opens as he steps through)
-Bobby is sitting at a desk writing, he hardly acknowledges the detectives arrival. Scarlett walks over and perches herself on the side of the desk.-
Bobby: Step outside darling
Scarlett: But sir he…
Bobby: Leave us! (Slightly shocked at his outburst Scarlett slips out the room) Now detective, what was so urgent that you had to almost knock down my door at this time of night?
Carter: Maybe I just wanted a chat, its come to my attention that you might come into some money soon, (pause) ya know try about 10 K. This drug heist you’ve got going on, don’t insult me by saying you don’t know what I’m talking about, that amount of smack could make L.A. drop back into the oblivion that it was just crawling its way back out of! Now Bobby, if you would be so kind id like you to tell me where the deal is happening, then come with me to the station. Now this is gunna happen, you either tell me then walk there, or ill beat it out of you and drag you there, and I wouldn’t wanna rip that tailored suit of yours, would I?….So?….What’ll it be?
Bobby: Well sir seems you’ve floated out into some rather deep water; you don’t wanna mess with the sharks out here, so I suggest you run along and keep your nose outta my business.
Carter: I don’t want things to get messy, just tell me what you know!
Bobby: You have no idea what you are talking about, obviously whoever opened their trap to you, and I have a good idea who it is, isn’t telling you everything…
Carter: Cut the crap Dents.
Bobby: Uh uh uh, I wasn’t finished. (Pause) Now you should go and find out what is really going on, because Miss Kensington isn’t as she seems.
Carter: Leave her outta this!!
Bobby: Ahh I see, she already has you round her little finger, just be careful you don’t get scratched. Now I’m gunna give you 5 seconds to get the hell outta my house, or the next time you see your beloved Bonnie is at your funeral! (Puts a gun on the desk)
Carter: (pulls out gun) I said leave her outta this! Tell me where the deal is taking place!
Bobby: 5…4…
Carter: Don’t make me kill you; I wouldn’t want that information splattered over the wall behind you.
Bobby: 3…2…last chance detective.
Carter: Spill it Dents! (Raising his gun)
Bobby: 1...well I am sorry it came to this, shame you let your heart rule your head (picks up gun) rookie mistake kid.
-Starts firing at each other, Bobby behind his desk, carter behind the door-
-Bobby gets a hit in the stomach; he falls to the ground with a cry of pain, the gunfire ceases-

Scene 6:
(Setting: Bobby’s house. Bobby just been shot. Confession that it was femme fatale who devised the drug deal)
Bobby: [In agony on the floor] It wasn’t me!
Detective Carter: Cut the bullshit, Bobby
Bobby: I’m telling ya, detective, it wasn’t me. I swear to god
Detective Carter: Swear to me! [Punches bobby]. If it wasn’t you who was it, huh?
[Detective punches him again. No response/confession from Bobby. Detective turns to leave, about to walk out the door]
Bobby: Wait… [Detective pauses then turns. Paces slowly, menacingly towards him. Bobby gets up, hunched over desk, struggling for breath]
Carter: Who was it? [No reply] Bobby, who was it?!
Bobby: [Reluctantly] Bonnie. [Detective pauses in shock] I couldn’t tell you before but-
Carter: What? What do you mean?
Bobby: She’s been playing you like a fool and me as well apparently! Right now your so called beloved is dealing 100 grands worth of smack, she got us both right where she wanted. Out of the way!
Carter: No no wait, that can’t be right!
Bobby: sorry detective but little miss bonnie is probably out with hundred grand right now, and you won’t ever see her again. Trust is a powerful thing isn’t it.
Carter: Chester get him to hospital, I’ve gotta get after that bitch!
(runs out)

The script is fairly short as of course we do have a time limit of 5 minutes for our film. I think the script portrays the typical essence of film noir by it's quick, ignorant language and responses, as well as quite sharp american tones within the speech. I think it also reflects the time it's in - the language uses no colloquials from our modern day language.
Bonnie is a very seductive character and so her language needs to show this. Her desire to be taken out by the detective is underlined by her desire to get the money through tricking him, but of course the detective doesn't see this. His blunt manner is true of all protagonists in these kind of films - "do you just want some appreciation" he has some kind of radar when it comes to the 'femme fatale,' however as we see by the end, she has won him over.
Bobby is not an innocent character, although in this scenario he is presented as the victim to the Bonnie, although when he is shot for no reason he does fight back, initiating a tough side to him that disallows the audience to pity him. The only character we pity is the detective, who even though he has hurt the guy who murdered his father, he has done it for the wrong reasons and lost out on a woman he thought he might have loved. Overall the script is fairly negative and dark, just as film noir scripts should be.

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